Safe fuel changeover and delivery
For your engine to operate safely and correctly, the fuel must be delivered with the viscosity specified by its manufacturer. This is more difficult today, given that new fuels come in a range of different viscosities – often significantly lower than that of HFO.
Taking control over fuel viscosity
Fuel viscosity and temperature go hand in hand, but managing the two can be difficult with your existing fuel booster. Older fuel conditioning systems were not designed with today’s lower-viscosity fuels and multi-fuel operations in mind, which means they lack the sophisticated automation and temperature control needed for safe fuel changeover. If the fuel viscosity falls outside correct parameters, it can result in fuel pump seizure, fuel injection issues and possibly loss of propulsion.
It can thus be a good idea to equip your existing booster system with cooling capacity and modern automation, for example by upgrading with the Alfa Laval Automated Fuel Changeover System (ACS). Doing so will ensure smooth ramping of fuel temperature and viscosity, which takes pressure off the crew and minimizes the risk of damage or propulsion loss. Moreover, you should consider using pumps designed to handle lower-viscosity fuels, such as Alfa Laval ALP three-screw pumps
Alfa Laval ACS
The Alfa Laval Automated Fuel Changeover System (ACS) ensures safe changeover by automatically ramping temperature and viscosity, keep them within the specified limits.

Alfa Laval ALP pumps
Alfa Laval ALP pumps are rotary displacement pumps with a three-screw design. Able to handle today’s lower-viscosity fuels, they prevent pump leakage and fuel losses.