Consuming more than two-thirds of the world’s energy, our cities play a crucial role in tackling the climate crisis. A considerable part of cities’ energy consumption is for heating and cooling, which means improving energy efficiency is paramount. Alfa Laval, with almost a century of experience in heat exchanger HVAC technology, aims to become carbon neutral by 2030. Let us be your partner in the transformation to a sustainable tomorrow. Together, we can decarbonize the world.

HVAC and sustainable cities

The key to sustainable cities

  • Effective and widespread use of renewable energy sources in urban applications
  • Thermo storage tech for efficient storage and management of excess heat or cold, reducing energy waste and supporting sustainable urban development
  • Geo thermoelectric systems harness thermal energy from the Earth's subsurface to provide renewable heating and cooling solutions
  • Heat reuse initiatives, like district heating and industrial WHR, are essential for maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing emissions

Energy efficiency to power net zero

Even though cities occupy only 3 percent of the Earth's land, they contribute to a staggering two-thirds of global energy consumption and 70 percent of CO2 emissions. Cultivating energy-efficient cities is crucial for decarbonizing the future and creating a sustainable world.

With almost a century of experience in heat transfer efficiency and recovery, Alfa Laval has heat exchanger HVAC solutions at the ready. Our compact energy-saving plate heat exchangers can tap into various energy sources, including renewables and recyclables, to provide cost-, energy-efficient, and comfortable heating and cooling.

These innovative solutions pave the way for a future where HVAC applications play a pivotal role in creating energy-efficient cities and a greener planet. We aim to be carbon neutral by 2030. Let us be your partner in energy efficiency and clean energy transition.

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Net-zero cities: 10 key actions

Energy efficiency in cities is crucial for tackling global climate and energy issues. Discover ten actions that can make real progress toward net zero.


Sustainable HVAC solutions

HVAC cooling

HVAC cooling

Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of high-quality heat exchangers and components for cooling applications and applies knowledge and experience gained from numerous completed projects around the world, complying with the highest energy conservation standards.

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HVAC heating

HVAC heating

Alfa Laval provides energy-saving heating solutions for the requirements of apartments, houses, commercial premises, industrial facilities or public buildings. Our aim is to optimize conditions, at any temperature.

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Air conditioning and heat pumps

When it comes to heat pumps and air conditioning systems, energy efficiency together with requirements for low-GWP refrigerants, are essential. Alfa Laval is working close with customers and universities to accelerate development and offer plate heat exchangers that are designed to meet new application regulations.

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District cooling

Alfa Laval has been the frontrunner in the development of plate heat exchangers suitable for the demanding conditions in district cooling installations. Our heat exchangers are designed for and used all around the globe to provide cost-effective, energy efficient and comfortable cooling.

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District heating

Heat exchangers are one of the core components in district heating systems. Alfa Laval has long been engaged in providing the best suitable heat exchangers to this industry. Apart from efficient and high-quality products, we also offer the unique advantage of application knowledge based on many decades of experience.

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HVAC and sustainable cities


  1. District heating

  2. District cooling

  3. Waste heat recovery

  4. Geothermal heating

  5. Solar thermal heating

  6. Industrial heat pumps

  7. Energy efficient buildings

  8. Heat-efficient water solutions

  9. Efficient air conditioning

  10. Residential heat pumps

More information


See the numbers: HVAC energy efficiency potential

Heating and cooling are some of a city’s largest energy expenses, yet basic needs for all individuals. Since most of the energy used for heating and cooling today is produced from fossil fuels, this sector requires urgent action.

Fortunately, the design of HVAC systems offers an enormous untapped potential for improving the climate impact of our buildings. Whether it’s about more efficient solutions that reduce energy and water consumption, or the phasing out of refrigerants with high global warming potential (GWP), there is much we can do already today. A heat pump, for example, is four times more efficient than a boiler for heating residential and commercial buildings, enabling incredible potential to shrink energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Imagine if we replaced all of today’s residential and commercial HVAC boilers with efficient heat pumps. The annual energy savings would be 230 TWh. That’s the same amount of electricity as that consumed every year in all of Spain!

Want to learn more about how Alfa Laval can maximize the energy efficiency of various HVAC applications? Download our infographics to see more numbers.

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Streamline your selection process

Find the ideal plate heat exchanger for your application with Alfa Laval's PHE Select Tool.


Heat exchanger HVAC products

Alfa Laval gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers

Our wide range of gasketed plate heat exchangers is suitable for a diverse scope of applications from heating, cooling and heat recovery to condensation and evaporation. We continuously update their design to better meet the demands of your processes. Today’s models set all new standards of efficiency, reliability and serviceability.

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Alfa Laval brazed plate heat exchangers

Our copper-brazed plate heat exchangers are a compact, efficient and maintenance-free solution for heating, cooling, evaporation and condensing in numerous applications. Each unit is designed for duty optimization, with a range of unique features that ensure both superior thermal performance and maximum reliability.

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Alfa Laval fusion bonded plate heat exchangers

Our patented AlfaFusion bonding technology creates highly efficient, compact heat exchangers made entirely of stainless steel. Virtually maintenance free and capable of handling extremely high pressures and temperatures, they are an ideal heat transfer solution for challenging applications, including those involving natural and low-GWP refrigerants.

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AHRI-performance-certified HVAC heat exchangers for confident thermal performance

Certification from the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) is the only global third-party verification of thermal performance, giving you independent assurance that your plate heat exchanger will perform in accordance with the manufacturer’s published ratings. Alfa Laval offers AHRI-certified gasketed plate heat exchangers, brazed plate heat exchangers, and fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers.


Energy Hunter – Sustainable solutions by hunting for waste energy

To improve energy efficiency, we all need to hunt down and reduce waste energy. Alfa Laval has the technology, expertise, and service to maximize your heat transfer efficiency. Use our new tool to calculate how much you can save today.

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